If you find that you are unable to:
- open your website - it just times out or takes too long to respond
- connect to webmail or cPanel - it just times out or takes too long to respond
- send or receive email (your email software says it can't connect to the server)
...then it is most likely that your IP address has been blocked for some reason. Don't Panic! The rest of the world can still see your website, we are only blocking your own connection.
About our IP address blocking policies
In order to protect our service from abuse, the following events will lead to your IP address being blocked. Usually this is only temporary (usually 1 hour), but it may become permanent if you are temporarily blocked more than 3 times within a 24hr period. Common reasons for your IP address becoming blocked include (in order of popularity):
- Using an incorrect username/password combination into cPanel more than 5 times in a few minutes.
- Using an incorrect email address/password more than 5 times in a few minutes into webmail. If you have misconfigured Outlook, Mail or other email software on your PC or Mobile device to automatically fetch email using the wrong email address/password combination, this will also cause your IP address to be blocked.
- Using an incorrect username/password more than 5 times in a few minutes into a password protected web page.